Usman Semiu Alvin’s Gaze of Hope Acrylic on Canvas 45×35 inches 2023

View the Exhibition Catalogue HERE

Featuring collectibles by Ben Osawe, Bruce Onobrakpeya, Enotie Ogbebor, and 16 more Nigerian visual artists.


“RED BOOK” marks a significant milestone in the vibrant art world, as it becomes the inaugural exhibition at the Thought Pyramid Art Centre Benin. This event promises to be a captivating journey into the realm of contemporary art in Edo State, exploring the intricacy of the artistic emotions of the Edo people, their historical experiences, and their creative culture.

“RED BOOK” brings together a diverse and talented group of internationally renowned artists, each contributing their unique perspective and creative expression to the collective narrative. The artworks on display encompass a wide range of cutting-edge art, all united by a royal theme “RED BOOK” with RED symbolizing the majesty and power of Edo’s artistic sojourn on the development of the Nigerian art industry.

“RED BOOK” is a visual dialogue that pays homage to the rich inheritance of creativity, artistic culture, and the vibrant awe-inspiring spirit emanating from Benin City’s soul, resonating throughout the entire national art landscape. It explores the depth and richness of Benin City and Edo State. This exhibition guarantees an immersive journey that will further awaken your love for the tradition of Benin.

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